Economic Development

Access to Good Paying Jobs in Shelbyville

As a business owner and job creator, I understand the need to provide good-paying jobs for our community members. Providing access to good paying jobs for residents is a two-pronged approach: (1) business retention and expansion and (2) new business attraction.

Business Retention and Expansion

On average, 80% of new jobs in a community come from existing businesses expanding. To continue providing the opportunity for our residents (both current and future), Shelbyville must ensure our existing businesses have the resources they need to continue growing. In my previous terms as mayor, I made regular visits to industry and business leaders to listen and learn about their needs. I will do so again so that Shelbyville can provide the appropriate resources to nurture and grow our existing businesses

Business Attraction

We must also focus efforts on attracting good, high-paying jobs to our community. Business attraction requires collaboration between the city, county, and Shelbyville Development Access to Good Paying Jobs in Shelbyville

As a business owner and job creator, I understand the need to provide good-paying jobs for our community members. Providing access to good paying jobs for residents is a two-pronged approach: (1) business retention and expansion and (2) new business attraction.

Attainable Housing

Shelbyville should be a place where people can find meaningful work, attainable homes, quality learning opportunities, and all the other elements of a healthy community. Because housing costs are rising faster than incomes, we need to make sure that good places to live are within reach.

Designing a vibrant community is like solving a puzzle. If a community doesn't have key pieces like good homes that people can afford, the puzzle doesn't fit together. Local government has an important role to play. As mayor, I will collaborate with our community development organizations, our county government, and residential developers to bring new, diverse, and attainable housing options to our community.


City Leadership


Building a Stronger Shelbyville